Let us Build With You

We Create Beautiful Spaces!
Architectural Basics & Interior Design
We will take you from overwhelmed to "Ahhh..." when you come home.
Kitchen - Bathrooms - Laundry
We start with the workhorses of your home -- the kitchen, bathrooms and laundry. Having beautiful spaces that are well-organized adn easy to keep tidy transform lives. This foothold will inspire you to gut closets and erect organizational havens and replace ratty furniture.
Impacting Lives
How we feel at home matters. Our living spaces impact our lives
Experience the Transformation
We employ the basics of connectivity: Vertical Views Bring the Outdoors In Connect Rooms with Away Spaces Walk Toward the Light Cohesive Look & Feel

A perfect starting point

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Kelly Korzenecki
Kelly Korzenecki

Paul Korzenecki, P.E.
Paul Korzenecki, P.E.